The Hydropower Sustainability Alliance

Preliminary Assessment Report

Public consultation period : 15/07/24 to 13/09/24

What Is The Hydropower Sustainability Standard?

The Hydropower Sustainability (HS) Standard is a global certification system that sets performance requirements for hydropower projects, focusing on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects.

Managed by the Hydropower Sustainability Alliance since October 2023, the standard aligns with major financial safeguards and aims to attract climate-friendly investments.

It features three stages:

  • Preparation,
  • Implementation,
  • and Operation

Each have action plans to address performance gaps.

Assessments are conducted by Accredited Assessors using evidence-based methods.

The standard includes 12 sections detailing ESG impacts and is designed to guide responsible hydropower development across its lifecycle.

The Ngonye Hydroelectric Project

Project Details

Project Name: Ngonye Falls HPP

Project Location: Sioma, Zambia

Installed Capacity: 180 MW

Project Owner: Western Power Co

Assessment Details

Assessment Tool: Hydropwer Sustainability Standard (HSS)

Assessment Stage: Preparation

Assessment Date: 18 – 23 March 2024

Assessment Details

The Ngonye Falls hydropower project was assessed using the Preparation tool of the Hydropower Sustainability Standard. The project demonstrated a strong balance between economic benefits and manageable environmental impacts. It has nearly completed its environmental and social plans both Zambian and international standards.

The project performed exceptionally well in the Labour and Working Conditions and Governance and Procurement topics of the standard. Its labour and safety plans meet international standards, and community impact management is thorough. The majority of the 119 displaced households are expected to experience significant improvements in living conditions and livelihoods.

The project’s design minimises greenhouse gas emissions by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, thereby supporting regional renewable energy growth. Stakeholder engagement has been proactive, with transparent communication leading to broad support from local communities and other stakeholders.

The Ngonye Falls project scored over 60% in each of the 12 topics’ advanced requirements, making it eligible for a Gold certification against the Hydropower Sustainability Standard.

The public consultation period for the Assessment Report of Ngonye Falls hydropower project is open from 15 July 2024 to 13 September 2024. 

Assessors For The Project

Antonio Fonseca Dos Santos

Joerg Hartman

Prabhakar C Kale